Monday, 8 October 2012



You may remember at Fashion Week I had the pleasure of knocking around with the very lovely Annie Bean, and during that time I crowned her the Queen Blagger Blogger. I'm rubbish at getting anything for free, so when Anna took me up to the Handpicked Media suite at One Aldwych Hotel, I was a little embarrassed and loitered in the foyer for a while. Eventually Anna's confidence rubbed off on me and I ended up leaving the suite with armfulls of stuff, including a pair of Ugg boots.

Not the sort of Ugg boots you'd expect, though. Very nice, black leather, wedged Ugg boots. Whenever I looked at them though I couldn't help seeing them as a blank canvas. My more-is-more aesthetic was longing for, well, more than simply comfort, warmth and quality.

Finally, inspiration hit. Leather fringing. I can't believe it wasn't more obvious, as this is something I am wild about. Armed with fabric scissors, a glue gun, and some lengths of pleather from a ripped pair of trousers (ouch.. that's a painful memory) I attacked the boots this evening, and considering how simple it was to do, I'm pleased with the outcome! I don't expect the fringes to last forever, but that's possibly the beauty of it - once they're tired, or I'm tired, they will simply be removed and replaced by my newest fad.

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  1. Thanking you for your address so I can send one pair of boots to you for fringing and the like, oh masterful one.

    J x

  2. OMG amazing! love this DIY-such a great idea, I've got some suede wedges this would be perfect for, as they look a bit of a blank canvas too! Loved your comment on my blog about styling up the mannequins-please say you have a picture!!xx

  3. No way I didn't know Ugg did non-uggy ugg boots! Also how did I miss out on this everyone at lfw keep telling me how good it was and I didn't even hear about it. They look really cool x

  4. Bello il tuo blog. Ti va di seguirci a vicenda. Io sono una tua nuova follower, passa da me e se il mio blog ti piace seguimi ok? Kiss Marcella

  5. Ohhh I love this such a great D.I.Y xx

  6. Oooo this is cute!! I'm currently hosting a jewellery givaway if you fancy entering!! x

  7. i'm so jealous of people who are able to blag stuff. I'm so hopeless at it. The DIY such a great way to make the boots that extra special.

    Lola xx


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