Sunday, 23 June 2013


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I woke up this morning with an unaccountable need to get some tropical looking plants for my flat's balcony, which may or may not be related to poring over pictures of LA sunsets on Instagram: complete with palm trees, beaches, and the outdoor lifestyle which accompanies warmer climes. Improvement in the weather only increases my craving for an outside space; sat on cute cast iron furniture, candles burning, drinking a sundowner.

So this afternoon, I dragged Chris to B&Q. A sickeningly Sunday Couple activity, I know, but nothing would calm my desire for plants. We picked up a fern type thing, which would pass as a palm tree if you squint a bit and forget about perspective; an olive tree which promises to bear fruit in late summer, though I doubt they'll compare to their meaty Mediterranean counterpart; and some other little plant thing that will bloom with red, orange and yellow flowers. You can tell from my comprehensive description of the flora that I am not naturally a green-fingered individual.

Anyway, due to a slight planning oversight (read: forgetting to measure the space on the balcony in which the trough was supposed to go, and being unable to shut the window while it was out there) the outdoor plant box is currently an indoor plant box. Attempting to do a grown-up weekend activity was a bit of a failure. Back to lay-ins and beer in front of the TV, I think!

I'm wearing:
COS breton
Vintage/DIY waistcoat
Topshop Arson boots

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  1. it looks really cute indoors though! hope the olives grow for you!

  2. Aww I love it with the little buddha candle too! :)
    I need to get myself some plants for my window sill!

  3. Haha well you gave it a go! Looks pretty anyway :) xxx

  4. looks really pretty!!!!!!

    new blogger here from manchester:)

  5. Love the bag and the boots, better luck plant hunting next time! xxx

  6. I loveeeee it haha! You look amazing too x

  7. You look great in that top & gilet!! & good luck to your flowers, mine always die:S x

  8. the plants look lovely, as do you! x

  9. Haha, I wouldn't know which plants to buy! You guys are so grown up. ;) Also, mucho fringed goodness! <3

    Tara xo

  10. Oh my that moroccan lamp looks incredible with your plants!! Buying plants is torturous, they always die on me, ALWAYS! But omg why did I never notice you owned the Topshop Arson boots?! THEY SUIT YOU SO MUCH!!!

  11. Your new plants look lovely :) And I'd totally forget to measure as well :/ Loving your skirt too!

  12. cute get-up. Love the plants i cant wait to move house so i can have more! xx

  13. beautiful!
    i love plants!

  14. Awww your plants and outdoor accessories look very cute! Love your skirt x

  15. I meant to comment on this before I went away... I definitely need to get my act together with my balcony. One half dead fuchsia does not make an inspiring outdoor space! I need to get inspired and add some accessories like this!


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