Tuesday, 13 August 2013


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Oh, what to say, what to say. I suppose I could talk about my outfit, or my feelings, or what I did today. But I really have nothing to say about any of that. I could use this space to get on my soapbox about something I feel passionate about, or inform you about some current affair or other; again, nothing immediately springs to mind, though I often find myself agitated upon hearing the news, wishing I could do more.

I wish I could use this space as more of a platform to air my views and opinions, or to stick up for what is right, though for some reason it never sits right with pictures of my outfits. "Here's a picture of my shoes.. and did you know that in South Africa more than 30% of girls have been raped by the time they are 18?" I don't think you'd stick around very long.

Did you also know that I am pescetarian? When people ask why, I say it's just because I don't like meat. But it is so much more than that; I just don't want to bore or offend anyone. Maybe it's about time I stuck my neck out and stuck up for the stuff I believe in. As Cher Horowitz said, "don't you want to use your popularity for a good cause?"

Such is the life of a confused semi-realist in a consumerist culture. Now, about my shoes...

I'm wearing:
Accessorize fedora
Topshop denim bralet
Prophecy kimono
Charity shop skirt
(similar on Ulrikke's Etsy)
Love Label Dicker-ish boots

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  1. Love this look! The kimono is amazing it's so striking!

    Emma x

  2. I feel your pain! I feel as though there are so many important issues in the world that I feel passionate about, but somehow I don't feel as though they fit in with the overall theme of my blog. Perhaps in the future my more political views will sit in harmony with the outfit posts on my blog, but unfortunately I haven't yet come up with a way in which to combine the two without it seeming too disjointed. I'd definitely love to read your thoughts on world issues and such topics, so I think you should take the plunge and voice your opinion more often! P.s. your shoes are pretty awesome, by the way (as is that kimono) xx

  3. Girrrrl, this is your blog. Say what you want & we'll read it. Fact.

    As for your outfit, can I have this hat? THANKS. ;)


  4. I'll always read your blog no matter what, obvs. Love the lengths of this outfit. Hope the Vogue thing went well today! I wanna know what it is! xx

  5. God that skirt is phenomenal! And I will continue to read and support you with whatever you'd like to write about! I'm sure that many of your other readers would agree :)


  6. YOU LOOK AMAZING! super gorgeous! loving the paisley layer on the 5th image! x

  7. You should use your blog to talk about whatever you want to talk about...we'll all read it no matter what. I get what you mean though, it's hard to work out how to write about things alongside outfit pics. xxx

  8. Haha. Don't worry guys, this isn't going to become a political activism blog any time soon. Mainly rambling.. although I still feel that way!

  9. J'aime beaucoup ton bustier.

  10. You should always write about what you want to, and I think showing your outfit is expression so it wouldn't be too far fetched to write about something not related to clothing. Also, you look rad and I'm definitely following you!

  11. Love the skirt!
    Also, if anything, I'd be more interested in bloggers if they spoke about their opinions instead of just their outfit!
    http://bethanyxalice.blogspot.com xx

  12. Totally love your hat- it's perfect for fall. And that shot of you spinning is awesome!

    Xo, Hannah


  13. You rooooock.

  14. super cool outfit and photos!!! By the way great blog - you have a new stalker ;) !



  15. Its your blog! You can do whatever you want..I think different opinions would make for more interestsing read too!

    btw. that skirt. Love it


  16. Honestly, I would love it if you started writing posts like that - and I'm sure others would agree! If you can't write passionately about content of your own choice on you own blog, then where can you? But of course, back to the clothes - your skirt and kimono are fab! xx



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