Monday, 10 December 2012



I had a pretty lousy weekend working, thanks for asking, so when my Monday off rolled around the only thing for it was to wear as many smiley faces as possible. Cue smiley laces, smiley hat, and smiley shirt.. Nobody can be sad when you're wearing this much happy.

Lazy Oaf is a brand I've been aware of for quite a while, since my friend Gaz's girlfriend got him one of the first load of t-shirts. It unzipped to reveal a sticky-out tongue, a pretty novel idea, and they're remained an innovative and unique brand. When they released this three-eyed smiley face print I bugged Chris to get me the shirt for my birthday, then as soon as I noticed the beanie was reduced on ASOS I snapped that up too. I hope they make trousers so I can complete my set and walk around Manchester looking like a complete loon (but there again what's new?).

The smiley reminds me of Evolution. Remember that?!

I'm wearing:
Lazy Oaf beanie & shirt
H&M via charity shop dungarees (similar) & coat
Topshop via eBay bag

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  1. I like your smiley faces! :)

    You're right - there;s no time for sadness when you're wearing that much happiness!

    Awesome! ;)

  2. Sorry you had a rubbish weekend, this outfit is awesome though! x

  3. such a funky look! You are such a positive person! X

  4. this post actually made me smile! :-D

    fikki x

  5. i am in love with that picture of you with the swan! So lovely! I saw your ocmment on a different blog about fashion over function. Such a clever saying haha! loooove it!


  6. Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment re my mum x I totally fricking love this post v-jealous of your smily face get up super fun and the whole post is really inspiring, loving the colours, but particularly your header! Sharon xx

  7. Haha we love a good statement hat! This one is suppppa cute. How adorable do you look in your DMs!? I mean, totally badass.

    The Style Rawr!

  8. You are looking so crazy in this dress and I love the background paint its awesome.

  9. I'm loving all the happiness! And those dungarees, that's such an amazing thing to find in a charity shop. Eurgh I feel your pain working weekends! xxx


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