Tuesday, 1 January 2013



Happy New Year to my wonderful blog readers! I hope you enjoyed last night, whether you were on a big one or just hanging out with your cat, but most of all I hope 2013 is happy, healthy, and successful for you, whatever you choose to do. I rang in 2013 by dancing to an eclectic mix of music at Funkedemia with my friends (Groove is in the Heart was the midnight song, FYI), then at 4am going to the curry mile for a saag paneer. Apparently getting a curry in the early hours of New Year's Day is a bit of a Manchester thing, which I hadn't heard of before.. that's a box ticked off now, right?

My dressing essentials for New Year's Eve are a comfy-cool dress, dancing shoes, and a coat that you're happy to throw into a cloakroom, or on a floor. I can't believe the amount of people I saw out minus outerwear last night.. maybe I'm getting old.

2012 has been a weird one for me and I've grown up tenfold. I've come to realise what is really important to me, made better friends than I have done throughout my entire life (some through this blog) and grown closer to those I loved already. I'm not a fan of resolutions - they tend to be unachievable and get broken quickly - but I do set some aims which I work towards throughout the year:
  1. Learn all the words to Nicki Minaj's Starships.. purely for boyfriend amusement purposes.
  2. Look after my mum and dad as best I can.
  3. Spend more time doing quality things, like seeing friends, reading novels, going to the cinema, painting & drawing, visiting galleries and museums.. and less time procrastinating (ie refreshing my Tumblr dashboard).
  4. Focus my efforts on getting a visual merchandising job in June. If anyone hears of any Manchester-based junior VM jobs going.. help a girl out! You can find some of my VM work & reporting under my Visual Merchandising tag or on my Portfolio page (though they need drastically updating.. that's another goal right there).
  5. Keep my dressing room a bit tidier, hang stuff up at the end of the day. Why is that so hard to do? Am I really fifteen years old?!
Totally specific, measurable, achievable.. yada, yada, yada. Of course goals are not just for the start of the year, and these will be modified and added to as time passes, but let's just see how we go for now, eh?

I'm wearing:
Minkpink dress
Topshop necklace & bag
H&M coat
Photobucket Photobucket


  1. Great New Year resolutions lovely and sounds like you had a fabulous time last night! Happy New Year hun, wishing you all the best!

    Eda ♥

  2. You look utterly fabulous and gosh you make me miss Manchester! Funkademia is amazing. Happy New Year wonderful lady

  3. You look lovely Sarah! I love that bag!! I've gone all reminiscent of Manchester now as I've done an early morning stop on the curry mile too on a night out! So hilarious that everyone actually has a sit down meal at those times in the morning! hope you've had a lovely NYE and Xmas :) xx

  4. Happy New Year!! I love aim #2, I need to do this too. Can we share wardrobes? Your bag and dress are sooo cute. I want to blog more often and do a spot of travelling this year! ;)

    The Style Rawr!

    As for PonyCon (or is it BronyCon?) - I'm def interested! <3

  5. I'm so glad you had such fun on New Year's Eve - I was at home nursing a cold. Oh well. Love your resolutions. I think I might need to learn the lyrics to starships too! Lol.

  6. Looks like you rang in the 2013 with a bang! You look adorable!


  7. I love these photos- have you hired a profesh photog, like?


    Move to London- I'll put in a good word at UO. xx

  8. Sometimes I feel like I'm 15 years old too as far as putting things away goes.:D Great outfit, the sneakers are so cute!;)

  9. Great dress!!!! Love your style!!!! You look fantastic!!!!

  10. You look AMAZING, Wishing you an epic 2013 x

  11. I love that song, groove is in the heaaarrrtt! It is on dance central and awesome!

    I am jealous of your dressing room ;)

    I also go out with coats, ha. My housemates or chefs in revolutions so we just leave our coat there, then go to night club and they return the coat to me the next time they work, and we get cheap drinks. It is a win win situation!

    Happy 2013!

    Corinne x

  12. Love your NYE outfit, the little bag especially...too cute! And don't get me started on dem shoesies. Glad you had a fab night, good luck with your goals for 2013! xxx

  13. fantastic NYE outfit and why don't I ever think of wearing dancing shoes for a night out. Happy New Year wishing you a fantastic 2013.


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